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​João Nuno Ribeiro Mineiro

Captura de ecrã 2021-04-18, às 11.57.07.
João Mineiro has a Master's degree in sociology and a PhD in anthropology from ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. He is a member of CRIA and has researched the topics of the state, institutions and ideologies, parliamentary system and political representation, higher education policies, student hazing, and inequalities. He is recently author of “Fazer Política: uma etnografia da Assembleia da República” (2022) and coauthor de Novas e Velhas Extremas-Direitas (2021, coord.), ABC do Socialismo (2019, coord.), Caloiros e Doutores (2018), O Espectro dos Populismos (2018) e O Estado por Dentro (2017). He received, among other distinctions, the Award for Initiation to Research in Sociology (2019) by the Portuguese Sociological Association
Governance, Policies and Livelihoods
Âncora 1
Research interests
State | Parlament |Power 
Research contexts

This website is funded by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under project PTDC/SOC-ANT/32676/2017

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